Doctor in Architecture
・ハワイ大学マノア校博士号(建築)取得 2012年12月
・明治大学理工学部建築学科卒業 2006年3月
・Certificate in Sustainable Business Strategy,ハーバードビジネススクールオンライン 2019年3月
・ハワイ州登録建築士 ライセンス番号15998
・アメリカ建築家協会会員(AIA) 会員番号38283767
・全米建築登録委員会協議会会員(NCARB) 会員番号78710
・米国グリーンビルディング協議会(USGBC) LEED® AP BD+C ライセンス番号10325742
・米国グリーンビルディング協議会(USGBC) LEED® AP Homes ライセンス番号同上
・水質汚濁計画書作成資格 Certified Water Pollution Plan Preparer
・Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Coordinator (Since October 2017)
Pandemic Urbanism - Architecture in Hawaii (December 2021) Kenchiku Journal Vol1324. pg 6-7.
The World with COVID-19 - Architecture in Hawaii (October 2020) Kenchiku Journal Vol1309. pg 5-6.
Readers' Choice Awards 2020 Hawaii Home Remodeling, Selective Stone (July 2020)
Let's all think about it school in Hawaii and Japan. Lighthouse Hawaii Magazine. Lighthouse Hawaii (monthly since April 2019 to present)
Study in Hawaii. Japan Press Service, Inc. Nikkan San (monthly since March 2019 to January 2020)
Useful Tips in Architecture Design. Japan Press Service, Inc. Nikkan San (biweekly since May 2015 to present)
Architecture in Hawaii (June 2018) Kenchiku Journal Vol1279. pg 12-13.
Helical Flux Winery – Sustainable Implantation & Environmental Integration, Speech of design work. International Union of Architects (UIA) 2017 Seoul, Korea (September 6, 2017)
Evaluation of Sustainable Roof from Various Aspects and Benefits of Agriculture Roofing in Urban Core (January 6, 2016) Procedia. Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol 216, pg 850-60.
Speech at IEREK’s Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD) conference in Lecce, Italy (October 14-16, 2015)
Cultivating Urbanism: Transforming the Existing City through Agrarian Interventions (December 15, 2012).
Doctorate Project, School of Architecture University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Gridded Utopia, Speech of design work. International Union of Architects (UIA) 2011 Tokyo (September 29, 2011)
HonBlue Architectural Research Travel Scholarship (April 2012)
Allen R. Johnson - Roy C. Kelley Architectural Travel Award (April 2012)
Dai Ho Chun Scholarship (April 2012)
Construction Specifications Institute Scholarship Award (December 2011)
Maximizing Adaptability ~Flexible Structure System Using BFRP~, Speech of design work, International Union of Architects (UIA) 2011 Tokyo, Japan (September 2011)